09/11/15, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, room 4406
Friday Forum: “Periodizing the Twentieth Century
How does literary criticism today periodize the twentieth century? How do scholars organize artifacts of the (relatively) recent past given their temporal proximity to the present? Does the twentieth century present unique challenges in this regard and thus require different approaches to periodization than do other eras? What are the advantages and drawbacks of grouping texts by era as opposed to place, genre, or other rubric? This panel brings together a range of scholars from the CUNY Graduate Center English Program to consider these and related pressing questions in contemporary literary criticism.
Speakers will include Ammiel Alcalay, Mary Ann Caws, Marc Dolan, Peter Hitchcock, and Hildegard Hoeller.
Organized by Aaron Botwick, Marissa Brostoff, Liz Goetz, & Madison Priest